Thursday, August 29, 2024

Top 5 News Sources

In today’s day of age, the news isn’t just from a local vendor on the side of the road selling a 20-cent newspaper or a young man riding his bike past your house throwing the mail in your driveway.  Instead, you now have thousands of news sites on the internet, which can make it very difficult to figure out which ones are reliable or not. I use social media the most to gather my information/news, but if it is something important like political or local news I will always fact-check it with a quick Google search. 

TikTok has now become the most used social media platform in the world, ranging from ages 10 years old to 80 years old. It first came out as a platform where people would make short dancing videos, and collect followers to also do their dancing trends, but it quickly changed in 2018 when “Musically” became “TikTok.” It is now used as an influence platform for millions of people to go on and watch make-up artists, fitness instructors, lawyers, dermatologists, you name it and they have it. If anything in the world happens, someone will upload it on TikTok for millions to see. I know personally, that if something happens I will see it on TikTok first, and then do a quick Google search to make sure it is real. 

Instagram is the Facebook for the younger generation. It is where you follow your friends and people who inspire you, and comment and like each other's posts. Whether the post is a “quick trip” or showing something you just got. In the past few years, Instagram has now added “reels” that resemble TikTok and have way more News platforms. Similar to TikTok there are “For you” feeds where it could be meal ideas, outfit inspo, or what we have seen more this year, Political opinions. The thing about Instagram is you see news way faster due to people reposting it on their stories. For instance, when Trump got shot, I think almost half of my following, reposted the picture on their Instagram stories, spreading the news. Just like all other Social Media platforms, you must do a fact-check before believing everything you see on the internet. 

Wikipedia is the fastest and easiest way to find information quickly. When looking up anything for school, whether it is for history, science, or even an art definition, Wikipedia is always the first Website to show up. In middle school, teachers always used to say that Wikipedia was filled with false information, which is actually a big misconception. Yes, you should use it with caution just like all news sources but Wikipedia is a great news platform for finding out a quick fact or definition. 

The New York Times is the only “real” News platform I use. It has all the reliable information whether that’s Political, Celebrity Drama, World crisis, or even trending clothes, New York City is the City that “never sleeps” making the reporters always on the clock, never missing a piece of information that should be told to the world. I also like that the New York Times has different types of News styles, whether it’s an article, a summary, or a journal, you can read things you're interested in, in a way you enjoy reading. I know I can’t sit and read a 5-page article, so something I just look for is their short summaries. 

The last platform I am gonna talk about is pretty popular amongst everyone and that is word of mouth. I know personally I learn a lot of information when I am just sitting in a big group with all my friends and we just start talking away. I will learn so much that is going on in the world whether it’s a sports game, maybe a history fact, or even as stupid as a new word. I’m not a big on my phone person, so I don’t see a lot of what’s going on, so when I’m with my friends they tell me a lot about what is happening or what did happen. 

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